Finalist for Miss Ukrainian Canada - Iryna Zhytaryuk and Stream of Hopes working together

We have some very exciting news for our organization Stream of Hopes Aid for Ukraine Inc.

Olesya and I have met Iryna Zhytaryuk on a number of occasions, but yesterday, June 5, we finally had a chance to sit down for a lengthier amount of time and talk. It felt as if we had known Iryna for a very long time.  We talked about Ukraine, we talked about Saskatoon and Saskatchewan, we talked about families and we talked about her upcoming participation as a finalist in the Miss Ukrainian Canada, where amongst the 16 contestants, she will be proudly representing Saskatchewan.

Originally from Chernivtsi, this young lady has achieved quite a bit and is an extremely talented fashion designer. She already has 5 fashion lines and is developing and making her sixth one which will be presented during the talent portion of the show.  Iryna has a twin sister who still lives in Chernivtsi and has her own beauty center where she is a master hair stylist and make-up artist. Throughout our discussion we talked about our non-profit organization and about some of the things we are doing and very quickly understood that in addition to everything that she is doing, she has a very kind heart and has been helping kids, orphans, those who are ill - through hosting fundraisers, fashion shows and altogether offering a helping hand where possible, including sending aid to soldiers and families of soldiers in Ukraine together with her uncle Viktor.

As our discussion was winding down for the evening we had come to agreement that it would be a natural fit; especially with Iryna's interests, her passions and linkages to her hometown of Chernivtsi that our organization "Stream of Hopes" gain a new supporter, a new contributor and in its own right an ambassador for those in Ukraine who need our help and assistance.  We talked about future events, about the organization we work with "Future of Ukraine" and we are super excited to let everyone know that we are partnering with Iryna and plans are already underway to start raising awareness and raising funds for the 3,000+ children our organization helps in supporting.

We are very excited by this collaboration and support, and look forward to working will Iryna on many projects in the months and years to come!

Saskatchewan should be proud of Iryna representing our great province at the Miss Ukrainian Canada contest and we all should be supporting this young lady as her future is a bright one.

Маємо чудову новину!

Фіналістка конкурсу Міс Українка Канади, Ірина Житарюк яка представляє провінцію Саскачеван, вирішила співпрацювати з нашою благодійною організацією "Потічок Надій" і допомогти нам продовжувати нашу роботу з дітьми України.

Сама родом з Чернівців, Ірина є шалено талановитим дизайнером і ми дуже горді тим що зможемо працювати з нею і планувати наші майбутні проекти.